1.1 Identify the problem space
Identifying the problem space consists of selecting an under-performing area within your organization where P2P could be productively applied. It is important that the problem space be clearly specified, indicating what is (and is not) in scope.
1.2 Identify a Supported Commander and relevant Supporting Commanders
A specific Supported Commander should be identified with overall accountability for the P2P effort, as well as relevant supporting organizations.
1.3 Assign a lead Action Officer
The Action Officer (AO) provides day-to-day support for the P2P effort. They help coordinate workshops, data collection, briefings, and interactions with OPNAV PSO. This is a critical role – the selected individual should have a passion for performance improvement and organizational learning, with the ability to work across different groups to drive results.
1.4 Identify relevant Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
The AO should identify the SMEs necessary provide input to the P2P effort – these will include individuals with expertise across the end-to-end problem space who can help identify challenges and suggest potential improvements.
1.5 Define the P2P approach
After identifying the problem space, leaders should determine the appropriate P2P approach. The Navy has designed a tiered governance and reporting structure to accelerate the scaling of P2P, both vertically (across multiple Echelons) and horizontally (across more organizations/focus areas). PSO is available to consult with you on the best P2P approach for your organization.